China's app store environment is quite divided with over 2 dozen widely used marketplaces. We provide step by step instructions on how to successfully submit your apps to the top 15.
Impotant points and examples on how gravity and layout_gravity works on Android LinearLayout and TextViews.
An introduction to using Java for Android applications for developers currently working in C# using the .Net Framework.
For this blog, I’ll be guiding you on how to create a simple Core MVC project.
.NET Core is a cross-platform, open source, and modular .NET platform for creating modern web apps, microservices, libraries and console applications.
With about 450 million mobile users in China, there are around 30 app stores for Android and around 10 for iOS. However, most app stores are similar to each other, including the apps in each app store, the requirements and app submitting procedure. According to the statistics of TalkingData, the biggest app stores in China are app stores of Tencent, 360 and Baidu. In this article, we list 15 top app stores in China and introduce how to submit your app to each app store in detail.
360 app store is one of the most popular and safest app stores in China. According to the statistics of TalkingData, the biggest independent mobile data service platform in China, the coverage and active rate of 360 app store is the TOP1 of China’s mobile app store. Compared to other mobile app stores, 360 App Store has the least ShanZhai app (ShanZhai app means an app that copy the functions and features of a popular app but with another brand).
Steps to submit apps:
Maybe some of you are confused, got stuck or wondered why the vertical/horizontal alignment of Textview is not working on your desired output. Following are important points and examples that may help you understand how it works:
For those who are interested in using Java in android applications and who are currently into developing applications written in C# using .net framework then I recommend the following points that could give you an idea on how to start:
1.1. Project wizard creation. This feature will help you in naming your project, choosing android devices. It will also help in adding activity from different templates and you’re done. Codes and layout page are easily generated. After that, project is ready to run.
1.2. Drag and drop. Widgets and layouts can be dragged and dropped on the page, then the codes will be generated automatically.
1.3. Code assistant. If you are familiar with ReShaper then this what I exactly mean. Yes, it’s like as if you have a free tool. This is what I like the most, it will really speed up your coding.
You can found a complete reference guide from downloading the Android Studio, its features and other using this link.
What is Core? Check the previous blog here.
For this blog, I’ll be guiding you on how to create a simple Core MVC project. This will be a straight forward implementation, from creating up to running it locally.
So let’s start.
A popup dialog will open:
.NET Core is a cross-platform, open source, and modular .NET platform for creating modern web apps, microservices, libraries and console applications.
This is promised run to on any major operating system, Windows, OSX and Linux! (no costly licensing!)
.NET Core is composed of the following parts: